DIG container gardening by planting a thriller, fillers and spillers for eye-catching containers! Use a powerful blend of soil ideal for container gardening such as Happy Frog, Ocean Forest or Strawberry Fields. All of these are rich in nature’s treasured ingredients like bat guano and earthworm castings. Watch your pots explode in color!
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Container Gardening!
Click here for our blog on the Container Garden Recipe!
Plant for pollinators! Milkweed feeds the monarchs, and other colorful favorites attract butterflies, which benefit all of us. Plants like Lantana, Butterfly Bush, Coneflower, Zinnias, Pincushion flower, Salvias and Lavender, among many others, ensure your garden is on the butterfly’s radar!
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Pollinator Plants!
Click here for our blog on The Power of Pollination!
South Louisiana is synonymous with a hot summer! When temperatures rise, there are several heat-loving annuals and perennials that can take the heat such as: Zinnias, Pentas, Angeolina, Lantana, Marigolds, Cosmos, Black Eyed Susans, Celosia, Vinca, Portulacca, Salvia, Coreopsis, Blanket Flower, Verbena and more!
Click here for our Tip Clip on Heat-Loving Annuals!
Wondering if your plants will recover after the freeze? Try scratching the bark with your thumbnail. If the tissue underneath is green, it’s still alive! If the tissue is tan or brown, it’s unfortunately dead. Start at the top and work your way down to see how far back the plant was zapped.
Replacement plants can be a fresh new start to this new spring season!
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Freeze Replacement Plants!
DIG the tropics by planting a tropical beauty to brighten up your season! Tropical plants love our South Louisiana heat and humidity so they do well in ground or containers when planted in the full sun. They prefer warm to cooler temperatures, therefore will need protection come winter.
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Tropical Plants!
A treasured tropical plant is the Bougainvillea. The BouGain fertilizer is specially formulated for this vining plant’s unique growing habits and promotes beautiful blooms to your benefit! Simply water your bougainvillea, add this to the top soil, water it in and let the blooms begin!
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Bougainvillea & BouGAIN!
A treasured and recognizable tropical plant is the Hibiscus. Most people want to know the best way to ensure it keeps blooming all summer. The HibisGain fertilizer is specially formulated solely for Hibiscus. Simply water your hibiscus, add this to the top soil, water it in and let the blooms begin!
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Hibiscus & HibisGAIN!
You’ll really grow this Spring by planting your favorites paired with Blooming and Rooting Soluble Plant Food! This special blend promotes vigorous blooming and root development by simply adding to water, mixing, and applying. Use every time you water for big and beautiful flowers all season!
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Blooming and Rooting Fertilizer!
Fertilizing your plants ensures they leaf, bud and bloom their best life. Select fertilizer by reading the bag’s 3 numbers: first is the nitrogen content; second is phosphorous; third is potassium. From an all-purpose blend to an acid-loving formula, the goal Happy Frog fertilizers is to make all your plants GROW!
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Happy Frog Fertilizers!
When planting a vegetable garden, mix Happy Frog Soil Conditioner with in ground soil for optimal results. This will help enhance root efficiency, and enable your plants to take up nutrients. The results are enhanced production for a more delicious harvest! Top your garden off with Happy Frog Tomato & Veggie Fertilizer!
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Veggie Gardening with Soil Conditioner!
The best control of your St. Augustine, Zoysia, Centipede and Carpetgrass lawn is the easy application of Weed & Feed! It’s a fertilizer and controls several weeds in your grass. It’s easy to apply- spread and water in! It’s a one and done lawn control for springtime!
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Weed & Feed for Lawn!
Control Weeds in your Flowerbed with Sedgehammer! This safe, easy and effective product is ideal for eliminating coco grass in your flowerbeds. Drop it in a gallon of water, mix and spray. You’re done…and so is the cocograss! You may need to do 2-3 applications as more immerge.
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Sedghammer!
Control weeds in your lawns with Celsius! This is easy-to-use and effective against 120+ types of pesky and ugly weeds crowding your turf! Among the weeds this targets are the common over takers such as Doveweed and Crabgrass.
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Celsius!
Prepare for your events like graduations and memorial day by banishing the bugs! Talstar is ideal for controlling many pesky pests including fire ants for 6 months and mosquitos in the thatch for 3 months! Simply broadcast this granular out and water it in!
Click here to watch our Tip Clip on Talstar!
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